GKN Powders - Hoeganaes

High Quality Parts Begin With High Quality Materials
From raw materials to full in-house testing to production, discover advanced powder metal technology for complex and precise designs.
We bring together our global manufacturing capability, comprehensive steel powder portfolio, and innovative technologies to develop and tailor solutions that meet your needs.
As the industry evolves, we evolve with it. From mass powder production to large scale standard materials, we develop new alloy systems and customized powder-premixing technologies to meet demands for higher performance and complex geometries.

We offer complete in-house services for all our materials at any time. These services are included and available to help you achieve and meet specific needs on a sample or finished part.
We’re here every step of the way to solve challenges, streamline processes, and meet performance requirements with complete transparency and support.
- Powder evaluation
- Chemical testing
- Printing service
- Physical testing service
Dynamic technologies improving strength, density, and PM processing. The engineered solutions are developed for higher density parts, greater production efficiencies, higher part-to-part consistency, better dimensional control and soft magnetic performance.
High Performance Metal Powders Portfolio
Developed with performance in mind. Our steel powders are designed for optimal results in structural components.
Advanced material solutions developed for digital manufacturing of 3D printed parts in prototypes, medium series, and the aftermarket.

We provide support for materials development and have the capability to tailor powder blends and pre-alloyed materials to fit your needs.
Equipped with R&D atomizers and lab furnaces to produce gas- and water-atomized metal powders, GKN Hoeganaes develops materials through various channels to meet customer specifications. Customized powder can be produced on these scales to help develop material properties for precise applications.
Get in Touch with us for more custom solutions!

We’re pushing the boundaries of what PM can do. Let’s explore the best-in-class technology capabilities and discover what we can help you achieve.
Atomization Techniques for Additive Manufacturing
We provides atomized metal powder for high quality and precision AM solutions.
Custom alloys are available in all processing techniques upon request.
- Method uses low- and high-pressure water to atomize very irregular powder/ typically used for press & sinter
- High solidification rate yielding irregular powder
- Most suitable for less reactive metals - steel, stainless, copper
- High scalability (several hundred thousand tons per year)
- Higher throughput & lower cost
Materials: SS, Fe alloys

- High-pressure Inert Argon or Nitrogen for atomizing
- Lower solidification rate yielding spherical powder
- Most suitable for more reactive metals & alloys
- Lower scalability (up to a few thousand tons per year)
- Limited throughput & higher value
Materials: SS, Fe, Al, Ni alloys

- Very high purity, spherical powder
- High-pressure Inert Argon for atomizing
- Most suitable for reactive metals & alloys
- Lower scalability (up to a few thousand tons per year)
- Limited throughput & higher value
Materials: Ti, Al alloys

Access our technical datasheets, papers, guidelines, and certifications.
Your Partner for Quality Materials