Conventional powder metallurgy

Conventional Powder Metallurgy
Powder Metallurgy (PM) is an effective and competitive metal working technology. Applying unique materials, inventive techniques, and creative geometries enable engineers to reduce total manufacturing costs.
The PM process is a minimal waste process offering unique sustainability. With these benefits combined, competing processes cannot match PM.
GKN Powder Metallurgy strives to provide best value to its customers through inventive processes, geometries and materials
The PM process uses highly consistent, engineered elemental or alloyed metal powders.
Although the majority of products are manufactured from material compositions defined by national or international standards, GKN also focuses extensively on the development of unique materials for specialized applications.

The raw material powder is subsequently pressed or compacted in a closed die to form the near-net-shape (identical to or very similar to the final dimensions) and is called "green" compact.
We leverage our internal tooling design and manufacturing capability to optimise this process. Our manufacturing facilities are equipped with advanced equipment as well as our own CNC presses, designed and built in-house.
The "green" compacts are heated in a continuous sintering furnace to an elevated temperature and in a protective atmosphere in order to form metallurgical integrity.
Consistency is assured by applying precise temperature and atmospheric controls. GKN has focused on the standardization of sintering equipment as a key element of best practice.
Secondary operations are selectively applied to either improve dimensional tolerance or to achieve geometries that cannot be formed in the compaction process.
Sizing is a high-speed pressing operation which improves profile tolerance. Typical machining processes such as turning, milling, drilling, and threading can be applied when required. PM products can be successfully joined to other PM or non-PM products using various processes.

We provide the broadest material selection in the industry to meet a wide range of needs:
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Bronze
- Composites
- Iron
- Low- and High-Alloy Steels
- Stainless Steel
- Special Alloys
Our PM materials are engineered to your needs and tailored to your applications. Our PM process technologies match from lower to full density and tight dimensional tolerances.
As a full metal solution provider we adapt and apply as per customer application needs, such as strength, ductility and wear-resistance.
With our advanced specialty alloys and processing techniques, GKN PM component solutions often exceed industry performance standards.

Our offering to our valued customers is …
- The broadest material selection in the PM industry
- Simulation/FEA
- Extensive material testing
- Sophisticated Metrology / Laboratory

The PM process saves natural resources through recycling, conserves raw materials, and yields low emissions. Metal powder is more expensive than conventional steel, but the difference is offset by saving material. Nearly 100 percent of PM powder is used. This is true for the typical PM part of less than 1kg. Heavier parts can also benefit from this process if the steel blank requires a lot of machining.