GKN Additive

Accelerating the Future of Digital Metal Additive Manufacturing
GKN Additive builds on GKN Powder Metallurgy’s dual expertise in powder production and metal processing to drive industrialization across the whole Additive Manufacturing value chain. From advanced metal powders to design and manufacturing services, we push new technologies to the limit to make them simpler, faster, and more accessible.
We’re pushing the boundaries of what PM can do. Let’s explore the best-in-class technology capabilities and discover what we can help you achieve.
As a digital manufacturer of metal AM parts and materials for prototypes, medium series and the aftermarket, our AM production plants are embedded in Industry 4.0, and backed by an intelligent global print network for maximum efficiency and prompt delivery to our customers.
We adopt our operational and digital capabilities to AM to create a new level of speed and productivity, and enable customers to rethink existing ways of developing products.

New Materials for Metal Binder Jetting

Material variety is a critical success factor for the future mass adoption of Metal Binder Jetting.
As a global leader in metal powder solutions, we are working on this challenge by leveraging our combined powder know-how from PM, MIM, and AM processes. We've already introduced the materials 316L, 17-4PH (booth stainless steels) and FSLA (Free Sintering Low Alloy) that have been fully tailored to the Binder AM process.
View the Binder AM 316L Material Datasheet
View the Binder AM 17-4PH Material Datasheet
View the Binder AM FSLA Material Datasheet
View the Binder AM M2 Tool Steel Datasheet

Additive Manufacturing has the potential to reinvent product design and traditional manufacturing. It allows new shapes of rapid prototyping and rapid manufacturing, as well as customized components for automotive and industrial products.


Industrializing Additive Manufacturing Globally
Our vision is to drive industrialization across the whole AM value chain from advanced metal powders to design and manufacturing services.
- Global scale additive solutions for automotive and industrial markets
- Industry 4.0 with full-scale production and global print network
- Expertise in digital powder production and metal processing
- Materials expertise and world-wide partnerships
- High quality and precision AM solutions and techniques
Binder AM Material Datasheets - GKN Additive Components
Laser AM Material Datasheets - GKN Additive ComponentsGKN Additive - Material Datasheet Inconel IN625 (Laser AM) (138 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet 1.4404 - 316L (Laser AM) (137 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet High Productivity 316L (170 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet 1.2709 (Laser AM) (138 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet 20MnCr5 (Laser AM) (137 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet Dual Phase Low Alloy Steel (Laser AM) (142 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet AISi10Mg (Laser AM) (137 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet AISi10Mg High Productivity (Laser AM) (136 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet CuCr1Zr (Laser AM) (137 kb)GKN Additive - Material Datasheet Pure Cu (Laser AM) (139 kb)
Material Datasheets - GKN Additive MaterialsAncorWear (3.36 mb)Ancor M2 (1.28 mb)Dual Phase Alloys - DPLA (350 kb)Dual Phase Alloys - FSLA (350 kb)AncorAM IN718 (450 kb)AncorAM IN625 (470 kb)AncorAM 316L (537 kb)AncorAM 17-4PH (538 kb)Nickle Free Stainless Steel (225 kb)AncorAM 1.2709 (489 kb)AncorAM H13 (511 kb)Low Alloy Steels (513 kb)Aluminum Alloys (685 kb)AncorAM Copper (538 kb)
Technical Papers and Documents
ArticlesComponent manufacturing going digital with GKN Additive (673 kb)Design und Auslegungsprozess fuer eine additiv gefertigte Fahrradtretkurbel (598 kb)Formnext Magazine - we're not fixated on the automotive industry (2.33 mb)GKN Powder Metallurgy - Moving metal additive manufacturing towards mass production with HP (585 kb)How GKN Additive is broadening metal AM horizons with DPLA steel (932 kb)Thermal heat treatment magazine - interview with Dr.-Ing- Markus Schneider on Additive Manufacturing (German) (312 kb)
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